USC Seeks Volunteers for Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Study

The University of South Carolina’s Arnold School of Public Health is seeking volunteers for a study examining the effects of a two-week intensive treatment program on walking, balance, and mobility for individuals with spinal cord injury.

A news release says the study combines two rehabilitation techniques to form a new therapy, known as Intensive Mobility Training. The release states participants will walk, with support, on a treadmill and receive training to help them improve their balance, coordination and mobility.

Participants must be able to stand with or without an assistive device for two minutes, take at least 10 steps with or without assistance, and must have experienced the injury as least six months before entering the treatment program.

The study, funded by the SC Spinal Cord Injury Research Fund, is under the direction of Dr. Stacy Fritz, a faculty member in the physical therapy program in the department of exercise science. For information, contact Fritz at (803) 777-6887 or

Posted on June 28th, 2006 in Clinical Trials and Studies.