Posts Tagged ‘embryonic’

First Embryonic Stem Cell Treatment Tried on Spinal Cord Injury

Posted on October 12th, 2010

A California bio-tech company has begun testing an embryonic stem-cell drug treatment on a patient with spinal cord injuries, marking the first time a drug made with embryonic stem cells has been used on a human.

The patient was enrolled at Shepherd Center, a spinal cord and brain injury rehabilitation center in Atlanta.

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Stem Cell Trial Offers Hope for Patients with Spinal Cord Injuries

Posted on October 6th, 2010

A provocative video of two rodents with spinal cord injuries was shown to an audience gathered Tuesday at the Detroit Marriot for the second day of the World Stem Cell Summit. One of the rodents dragged its left hind leg, suffered from incontinence and couldn’t stand. The other rodent had an injection of embryonic stem cells and appeared to have more mobility in its back legs.

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First Stem Cell Clinical Trial for Spinal Cord Injury Patients

Posted on September 24th, 2010

Northwestern Medicine is the first site open for enrollment in a national clinical research trial of a human embryonic stem cell-based therapy for participants with a subacute thoracic spinal cord injury. Following the procedure, participants will receive rehabilitation treatment at The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (RIC).

Northwestern also is the lead site of the trial, sponsored by Geron Corporation. The trial eventually will include up to six other sites and enroll up to 10 participants nationally.

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Stem-Cell Breakthrough

Posted on July 28th, 2009

It’s a chilling thought. In the coming year, 130,000 people worldwide will suffer spinal-cord injuries—in a car crash, perhaps, or a fall. More than 90 percent of them will endure at least partial paralysis. There is no cure. But after a decade of hype and controversy over research on embryonic stem cells—cells that could, among other things, potentially repair injured spinal cords—the world’s first clinical trial is about to begin. As early as this month, the first of 10 newly injured Americans, paralyzed from the waist down, will become participants in a study to assess the safety of a conservative, low-dose treatment. If all goes well, researchers will have taken a promising step toward a goal that once would have been considered a miracle—to help the lame walk.

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Stem Cells Closer to Trials

Posted on May 10th, 2007

Despite the limitations on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, two companies recently said they are close to entering clinical trials with the versatile cells.

Geron plans to file an investigational new drug application with the Food and Drug Administration by the end of the year for using cells derived from embryonic stem cells for treating spinal injuries.

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