Posts Tagged ‘bladder’

Nerve Cells Regrown In Rats With Spinal Cord Injury

Posted on July 1st, 2013

Researchers at the Case Western Medical School and the Cleveland Clinic have developed a technique that regenerates nerve cells in rats, permitting them to urinate normally after severe spinal cord injury. The results of their research are published in today’s edition of the Journal of Neuroscience.

According to scientists Yu-Shang Lee and Jerry Silver, their technique raises hope that humans with such injuries may also be able to restore bladder and other functions.

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Small steps for paralyzed man, giant leaps for treating spinal cord injuries

Posted on May 23rd, 2011

A device helps a man paralyzed from the waist down make an ‘unprecedented’ recovery, taking steps on a treadmill and regaining other key functions. The treatment could potentially allow 10% to 15% of people with spinal cord injuries to regain some use of their legs.

A 25-year-old Los Angeles man paralyzed from the waist down after being hit by a car in 2006 has regained the ability to stand, take steps on a treadmill and move his hips, knees, ankles and toes voluntarily as a result of an experimental treatment developed at UCLA and the University of Louisville.

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Hospital Tests New Surgery

Posted on April 9th, 2007

Baumont procedure could improve bladder control.

What does it take to import a medical procedure from China to Detroit?

In a reversal of the globalization seen in many industries, doctors from Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak this week began a pilot study, under the watchful eye of the Chinese surgeon who developed the operation, that could help millions of Americans regain bladder control after spinal cord injuries and spina bifida, one of the most common and disabling birth defects.

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Surgery May Aid Bladder Control After Spinal Cord Injury

Posted on February 19th, 2007

Needing a wheelchair isn’t always the biggest complaint of people left paralyzed by spinal cord injury – it’s also the loss of bladder control. Recently, Michigan doctors began a unique experiment to see if rerouting patients’ nerves just might fix that problem.

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‘Smart Bladder’ Pacemaker Could Help Paralyzed

Posted on February 19th, 2007

Duke University researchers say they’ve moved a step closer in their efforts to develop a ‘smart bladder pacemaker’ that could restore bladder control in people with spinal cord injury or neurological diseases.

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