Spinal Cord Injury
Surveys & Petitions
This page contains a listing of open surveys, polls, and petitions that are directly associated with spinal cord injuries. Check back periodically, as this list changes often. If you have a survey/poll/petition and want it listed here for free, please contact me with its details.
The Use of Dynamic Splints in the Training of a Functional Grip in a Individual after a Spinal Cord Injury
Hello, my name is Anna Hurdová and I am a student of a third-year of Occupational Therapy at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.
As part of completing my bachelor’s degree, I am working on a thesis entitled “The use of a dynamic splints in the training of a functional grip in an individual after a spinal cord injury” in which I would like to compare the use of dynamic splints in the Czech Republic and abroad. I chose this comparison mainly because dynamic splints are not commonly used in Czech workplaces that focus on rehabilitation of individuals after spinal cord injury. Courses for mastering the production of dynamic splints are rarely held here and literature on this subject is also very difficult to find. Therefor I would be interested in the situation abroad – whether dynamic splints are used more, with which methods they are combined and much more.
I would like to ask you to fill in this anonymous questionnaire. The data collected will be used solely for the interpretation of the data obtained in my thesis. The questionnaire consists of a maximum of 8 questions (number of a questions is tied to your answers).
Thank you in advance for your time and willingness.
Interviewees Needed for NIH-funded Smart Sensor Faucet R&D
Will you give 15 minutes to help us make faucet-related ADLs much easier for those living with SCI? We want to hear from you! Through an SBIR Grant from the National Institutes of Health, Nasoni is developing a smart sensor version of our award-winning fountain faucet to enable those with severe mobility impairment to engage more independently in activities of daily living that involve a faucet such as drinking, eye and face washing, etc. Nasoni’s smart faucet is in the clinical trial phase and we are seeking invaluable input and ideas from both persons affected by SCI as well as their caretakers.
To learn more about our research project and how you can help us bring this life changing technology to market, watch this brief video.
Ready to help us improve the daily lives of those living with spinal cord injury and other mobility impairments? We’d love to chat with you! Schedule a brief 15 minute interview (will take place in early March) with us by phone, Zoom or Teams using this link OR Complete the form at the bottom of this web page OR simply email jen@nasoni.com and we’ll be in touch!
SCI & Pregnancy Study through University of Michigan
Do you have a Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) and are actively planning a pregnancy, or in the process of making a decision about whether or not to get pregnant? Your feedback is needed on anew pregnancy decision-making tool for women with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). Study participation is done from home and participants will be given a $40 check at the end of the study. You must be at least 18 years old, female, and have a Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) to participate.
For more information please contact The University of Michigan Program for Research on Women’s Health and Disability (U-M PROWHD) which is based within Michigan Medicine’s Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. You can call (734) 763-9374, send an email to SCIpregnancystudy@umich.edu or fill out a study interest form at https://mailchi.mp/c353d47d81b3/wlkf1ejhsc.
Factors that Influence Physical Activity Levels for Males with SCI
If you are male, over the age of 18, and use a wheelchair as a primary mobility device, this research survey is for you! As a Northwestern graduate student, I am interested in the factors that influence physical activity levels for males with SCI. Unfortunately, there is a lack of research in this field of study, so my goal is to change that. The survey should take no more than 20 minutes, and all your answers are secured and private. Please click here to get started! Thank you in advance for helping to increase the research in this field.
Study: People who have difficulties with walking and who later develop certain types of cancer
Researchers at the Health Policy Research Center at Massachusetts General Hospital are running this study, which is funded by the National Institutes of Health. To thank you for being interviewed, we will give you a $50.00 gift card. To volunteer, you must:
- Be between 21-74 years old
- Speak English and live in the United States
- Have had problems walking or no longer be able to walk for at least one year before your cancer diagnosis. Because of this walking problem, you must have had trouble getting around your home, taking a bath or shower, dressing, using the toilet, or feeding yourself
- Have had cancer – except for melanoma – within the last ten years
- Have no other cancer history
Your participation in the interview is voluntary. The interview will take up to two hours, but you can stop at any time and not answer any question you don’t want to answer. We will audio-record the interview for us to review, but we will delete the recording with the project is over. Nothing will happen to your health care services you receive if you decide not to take part. We will keep your identity confidential and not connect your name to anything you say in the interview. We will not tell anyone that you were interviewed. We will use information from you and about 20 other people in write-ups about our study, but in a way that does not identify you.
Interested? Please contact Nicole Agaronnik at 617-724-0930 or email her at nagaronnik@mgh.harvard.edu. Please leave your name, email address and/or phone number so that we may contact you.
Are you a woman with a Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) over the age of 18?
The survey below was developed by Dr. Anne Berndl at the Accessible Care Pregnancy Clinic at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, in Toronto, Canada. Dr. Berndl is a Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist who focuses on pregnancy and physical disability. She has created this survey to address the lack of knowledge about reproductive and urogenital health and pregnancy in women with SCI, which may affect the care they receive or the healthcare choices they make.
This study was created with input from women with SCI and is funded by the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation. It is completely anonymous. You may skip any questions that you do not feel comfortable answering.
If you are interested, please visit https://questionnaire.simplesurvey.com/f/l/sci-up-survey
Survey About Independence in Daily Living and Quality of Life After Spinal Cord Injury
The enclosed link below contains a survey that seeks your opinion/perspectives on which functions you (would) value most highly to improve your own independence in daily living and quality of life. It does so by asking you to complete a series of scenarios and questionnaires, ranking the relative importance in restoring different sorts of function (arm movement/hand grasping, walking, bladder and bowel control, sexual function) and/or treating the very common problem of neuropathic (nerve-related) pain against each other. This research forms part of a PhD study in which we hope to be able to compare views of people with SCI in the United States with Australia, extending previous work done in US.
Access the survey here: www.surveygizmo.com/s3/1880284/SCI-Health-Choices