Spinal Cord Injury
Online Communities

A collection of spinal cord injury forums, chat rooms, message boards and newsgroups.

CareCure Community (SpineWire)
This site is a successor to the highly successful SpineWire and Cando web sites. The new site provides information and discussion forums for the spinal cord injury community. Also contains articles, lectures and other resources that might be of interest to people with a spinal cord injury. The site is provided by the Spinal Cord Injury Project of the W. M. Keck Center for Collaborative Neuroscience at Rutgers University for the spinal cord injury community.

Inspired Spinal Cord Injury Support Forum
An online community designed to promote a positive outlook for those with SCI. Members are able to connect, share experiences and support each other.

An evening presentation and discussion series on topics of interest to persons with spinal cord injury and their friends, family members, and caregivers. Presentations are usually held at the University of Washington Medical Center and is presented by the Northwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury System.

Pushrim Forum
A social network and support community for people living with spinal cord injury. Members are able to share resources and knowledge on how live a more independent and productive life.

Reeve Connect – Spinal Cord Injury and Paralysis Community
“Community Discussions” at the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.

Spinal Cord Injury Caregivers
Private email and chat regarding the care and issues dealing with spinal cord injuries.

A social mentoring network and video archive that allows the spinal cord injury community to motivate each other with the knowledge and triumphs gained from our individual experiences.