Category: ‘Assistive Technology’
Device Restores Hand Function for Some with Spinal Injury
Posted on May 20th, 2024
In a study, people with paralysis saw arm strength and function improve via electrical stimulation to the injured area.
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A Tongue-Controlled Interface that Lets People Explore the Digital World Hands-Free
Posted on April 25th, 2023
Augmental redesigned the computer mouse with the goal of making it more universally inclusive— empowering everyone, particularly individuals with hand impairments, to use computers with greater degrees of expressivity and convenience.
MIT Media Lab spinoff Augmental, an innovative hardware startup focused on creating human-first experiences that enhance everyday interactions with digital devices and interfaces, today announces the launch of the MouthPad^ — a groundbreaking innovation that allows people to control devices purely through the movement of their tongue. The hardware company’s first device aims to push the boundaries of hands-free computing making technology more human.
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Elon Musk Targets 2022 for Neuralink Implants That Could Cure Paralysis in Humans
Posted on December 7th, 2021
‘Don’t want to raise hopes unreasonably, but I’m increasingly convinced that this could be done’
Elon Musk has said he does not want to “raise hopes unreasonably” but is “increasingly confident” his brain-machine interface startup Neuralink will have its first implant devices in humans by 2022.
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High-Tech Exoskeletons Improve Bowel Function in People With Spinal Cord Injury
Posted on July 23rd, 2021

Digestive issues are common after spinal cord injury and can lead to chronic constipation and incontinence. But robotic exoskeleton-assisted walking can improve matters in people with such injuries, researchers say.
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Software Turns ‘Mental Handwriting’ into On-Screen Words, Sentences
Posted on May 14th, 2021
Artificial intelligence, interpreting data from a device placed at the brain’s surface, enables people who are paralyzed or have severely impaired limb movement to communicate by text.
Stanford University investigators have coupled artificial-intelligence software with a device, called a brain-computer interface, implanted in the brain of a man with full-body paralysis. The software was able to decode information from the BCI to quickly convert the man’s thoughts about handwriting into text on a computer screen.
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